Thursday, January 31, 2008

Still pretty busy...

...but that's no big surprise. :)
Recent random goings on:

  • It's snowing!! :) Bailey isn't a big fan of snow, but the first exciting romp in each snowstorm is adorable (until he realizes that it's cold and wet, and runs as fast as he can back inside!)
  • We took down the wallpaper in the front bathroom a couple of weekends ago... and still haven't done anything else. (We're planing a minor aesthetic overhaul. No major work involved-- the vanity and fixtures are new.) That's on the list of upcoming plans... (apologies in advance to those coming over this weekend who get to see the lovely paperless walls...) I promise pictures when we get it done. :)
  • J started another semester at school and is lovin' every minute. This semester: Oscar Wilde, American Spiritual Writing, and Chaucer.
  • Last weekend we saw Katy's cheerleading competition (Yea Kate!!)and went to a benefit where we saw (among other bands) a folksy country band whose lead singer is a Willie Nelson look-alike. I swear, he was his twin. And, Sarah and I amused ourselves by taking bets on when the back-up guitarist would pass out. :) Good times.
And, because I thought it was interesting, an article I read today. :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Anyone still there?

Okay, so we've taken a bit of a blog hiatus... it's been a BUSY past few weeks; I'm working about 50 hours/week on average and that doesn't leave a ton of time for anything else.

Here are some pictures of the other bedrooms in the house to make up for it :)

Here's bedroom number 2 (Before):

Now it's J's study:

(It may be a lot fuller now, but it's a study all to himself,
and what PhD student wouldn't love that?)

Bedroom number 3 (Before):
Now it's the guest room/where we have my desk:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

What better way to kick off a new year than with a Tiger victory!

May 2008 bring you health, happiness, and many blessings. Happy New Year!!