Wednesday, May 28, 2008

lookie what I did! :)

(Three posts in one day, and I'm up past 8:00. What is up with this craziness?? :D)

So, I like myself a good bit of crafty goodness. I bake every chance I get. I own two glue guns, and there's a reason why. Thus, it's probably no surprise that I do stuff like this:

That's right. It's a cake. Made entirely of diapers. No- let me stop you right there- they're not for me. :) It's a cake made entirely of diapers that the expectant mother (a friend at work) we're showering registered for. And no, you don't eat it. (Done in pink and chocolate brown-- the colors of the baby girl's new nursery)
Each diaper is rolled up and stacked together to form the cake. This entire thing is held together with rubber bands, string and wooden dowels. So all of the diapers from the cake are totally usable, not ruined by glue or pins.
Not the most amazing crafty thing ever done, but after you spend a good two hours rolling diapers, you want to show off your handiwork. (But not your hands. My hands hurt after all the diapers and rubber bands.)

I do have to point out that this wasn't my first rodeo. Here is the first diaper cake I made, over a year ago (I think) for my cousin's shower that we hosted:
I think that one might be a little better-formed, but I like the cleanliness of the most recent one. I still think it needs something more... maybe a couple more flowers on the other layers?? Lots of these cakes that you buy come with all kinds of junk hanging off the sides, but that's a bit much for me... but maybe little socks or mittens? Hmmm...
Anyway, if you're ever in need of a cake made of diapers, you know who to call. ;)

All about Kate

Katy has had to do a lot of sharing lately. High School graduation is a BIG deal, and we were thrilled to be able to be there to see the amazing miss K do her thing. One of the best parts of graduating from High School is being in the spotlight. Graduation parties, celebrating with family, getting to be the "big deal" for the whole late spring/early summer. With other events in the family right now taking the majority of the spotlight, Kate has been AWESOME and gracious at sharing. But, I think she deserves something just for her, even if it is this measly blog post. :)

Kate in her big moment, crossing the stage

With the proud parents

Katy, you're an amazing, wonderful, talented young woman, and we are SO proud of you and your accomplishments!! A big congratulations, and we'll miss you in the fall!

Bad blogger...

Do you think it means something that the majority of my blog posts have to do with being busy, and never blogging?
Yeah, I didn't either. ;)

Last weekend was full of fun-- we had a great time and got to do a TON. Friday we had Mike, Kelly, Tim and Becca over for BBQ and drinks. It was great to see them all, and J did a great job with the BBQ- everything was perfect!
Saturday, we went to Katy's graduation, and that's going to get its own post...
Sunday we shopped/cleaned/worked on stuff we've been putting off for quite a while...
Monday we BBQed again at my parents' house and got to hang out with the whole fam. It's nice to have my sister home from school, and to get to see everyone.

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Long time, no blog...

It's been a little busy around here lately, so here are the quick highlights from the last few weeks:

Happy 1st birthday to two of our favorite one year olds:
Collin and Madeline! We had a ton of fun at Maddy's birthday party-- check out the pics on Maureen's blog.

I got promoted. Now, I'm a "level 2," which means... well... it means that I do more of what I already do with just a little more pay. Not all it's cracked up to be, but progress none the less.

J is in the midst of finals. (Yes, he still takes classes. :))
Two big papers down, one paper and a final to go tomorrow. GOOOOO J! He's looking forward to a nice summer break, and I'm looking forward to having my husband back. :)

This weekend for Mother's day, we did lots of fun family stuff:
We went bike riding and to the winery with my family on Saturday, and
spent Sunday with J's family decorating his dad's office and out for some great pizza.

For our Mommas on Mother's Day:

For Miss Mary: (they always joke about who the favorite child is)
For my Mom: ('cause we're too much alike, and have been known to drive each other crazy)
We love you Moms! Happy Mother's Day!