And he's making me admit that here. I guess he wants it in writing so he can savor it and remind himself for years to come. Until he's right again. ;)
*He made me say that. He's actually right quite often. But don't tell him that-- I don't want him to go getting a big head or anything.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
For the first time ever, my husband was right. *
Posted by J_Team at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy 30th, baby!
My dear, sweet husband turns 30 today. Though it's a milestone, I think he's still a little uncertain about the big 3-0. Tonight we had a small Imos celebration ;) but a couple of weeks ago, we celebrated in style with a surprise birthday party:
We had a great time-- thanks to everyone for celebrating with us and making it a great surprise!!
J, happy 30th! I look forward to celebrating many, many, MANY more with you!
Lots of love,
Posted by J_Team at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Welcome to the world, baby Cameron!
When Brian told us earlier this year that they were expecting, we were so excited to welcome the first baby into the group! Saturday night, little Cameron entered the world to join a loving mom and dad, and awesome big sister McKenna.
Posted by J_Team at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So, it's been a while, huh?
Yikes. I just looked at the old blog and realized that I haven't posted since August! Now that's just wrong. To my credit, I've been pulling one and three quarters duty at work the last three months, so that doesn't leave time for stuff like the blog... but I'm coming back soon, I swear. I really appreciate being able to look back at the stuff we had going on...
So. Here's what's been going on lately, in random order:
- J set exam dates
- we survived a month of major social activities every weekend. and we're looking forward to a Saturday to ourselves :)
- I have three friends with babies due in the next couple of weeks. woah baby boom!
- Dad turned 60! and we partied with him
- G turned 25! and now I feel old...
- I bought my first blow-up lawn ornament. Our neighborhood has finally rubbed off on me. More about this later.
- We're welcoming fall. and I couldn't wait for fall weather to finally show up. I think it's really true that as you spend more time together, you and your spouse become more alike. I used to hate fall, J loves it, now I can't get enough of cool breezes, sweatshirts, and all things pumpkin. And, J is starting to like some country music. Next thing you know we'll be wearing matching sweaters on our Christmas card
- I'm getting a new workspace at work. Which is actually really exciting! (how boring am I!)
- I need to get back to cooking. Lately I've been slacking. The whole job and three quarters thing kind of saps your energy. Speaking of three quarters:
- Despite the crazy-business, we've gotten to see a lot of friends. We need that more. It's good for the soul
- Entourage on DVD is also good for the soul. Just saying.
- Sometimes it takes really crap-ass cable service that cuts out a lot for you to appreciate things like Entourage on DVD. Also just saying.
- My husband got me flowers a week ago. That made my week. It's still making me happy. I used to get flowers all the time (like almost weekly) when we were dating. And somehow the frequency change makes me appreciate them even more. It's all the little nothings that thrill me. Like random outbursts into Jon Bovi
- That was actually a lot for being just bullets... maybe I'm on to something...
Labels: random bullets
Posted by J_Team at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Seriously? Seriously.
One is funny things we saw while in the U.K.
Like this, for example:
(Get ready peeps, there's more of that coming your way soon!)
Another was the fashion.
But I don't have to do that post, because I just read it right here. Glad I'm not the only crazy one who noticed that stuff... So go read that stuff and just pretend I wrote it, k?
Posted by J_Team at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
mind the gap (reader's digest version)
except this isn't london bridge. this is tower bridge. common mistake.
seeing Big Ben made me feel like I was really in london
except Big Ben is the bell inside, so I didn't really see Big Ben, but whatever.
that should seriously be a poster
the reason we went in the first place. look how smart he looks!
we were kind of obsessed with the guinness storehouse
he's in heaven, people. ancient stuff and armor everywhere.
look *really* closely. the swede who took our picture didn't zoom as well as he could have...
I want to go back RIGHT.NOW. It wasn't cheap, but it was so worth finally going on our *real* honeymoon. Love you dear, and so glad we did it! :)
Labels: travel
Posted by J_Team at 4:51 PM 0 comments
I don't know if you'd heard...
... but it's football season again.
I don't know what tipped me off... the late summer heat, the enthusiasm about getting home fast, or the LOUD expletives coming from the living room.
He's also taken to turning the expletives into "good dogs!" because it freaks the heck out of the dogs when he yells. That just doesn't happen much around here...
For a quiet, mild-mannered guy, he sure gets passionate about his football...
p.s. he just read me writing this and said "it's not real yet! it's just the pre-season!"
J, I love you, even if you are an avid football fanatic.
Labels: Superbowl
Posted by J_Team at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
where do I start...
So I'm going to start with our beach vacation with my family. We've been several times to the same island in the very southernmost part of North Carolina, but it's been a few years since we've gone. We couldn't pass up an opportunity to go back! SO, we packed up the "kids," piled the car with our stuff, and started on a long road trip!
The guys fishing:
I spent a couple of days working while we were there to make the vacation time work, but still had time to have some fun. How awesome is this sunset?!?
My aunt and uncle live in NC, so they spent the week at the beach as well. So much fun to get sibling and cousin hang-out time!
We also made sure we had some fun shopping time while near so many outlet malls. While we were there, we also managed to find our way to Margaritaville!
The last day there, we took the dogs to the beach for the first time. We weren't sure what they'd think, but they had a good time! Both kind of pranced in the sand (they couldn't figure out why it slid away when they walked), and ran into the water a bit... until a wave came and they decided that was the end of the water.
Posted by J_Team at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
back from a month of travel....
so I've been absent.... but with good reason. I just got back yesterday, but look forward to lots of blog posts about the beach and the UK as soon as I unpack, do laundry and wade through the photos. ;)
Labels: travel
Posted by J_Team at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
why so far away, fall?
So yesterday's "cold" snap left me yearning for more. (And let's be clear. "Cold" snap means high in the low 70s. But it was cool enough to have the windows open and attic fan on. HEAVEN, I tell you.)
I'm so ready for fall. It feels like just yesterday, I was "ready for summer." And just before that, I was "ready for spring." Somehow I'm never ready for winter. But I digress.
I'm totally craving open windows, all things pumpkin, crunching leaves, and long-sleeved shirts. Mmmm.
But it's only July...
Posted by J_Team at 5:18 PM 0 comments