Well, it's sometimes a long time between posts, but when I post, I post a lot! :) Today it's three posts to catch up from all the stuff we had going on last weekend (including bathroom pics... see below).
This weekend has been about catching up on to-dos. I spent yesterday cleaning and organizing closets, we ran errands, did taxes (yuck!!), and took J's poor computer in to see if there is any way to fix it. (It's 4 years old, so its days are numbered, but we hold out some hope... Cross your fingers for us!) Today is more errands, hockey, and putting the top protective coat on the walls in the bathroom (see two posts down for pictures) to protect it from water.
While we were at Home Depot yesterday, I was stunned by the orchids they had! Normally they have some that look okay, but they had just gotten a new shipment in and they were all stunning. Even though I/we have successfully killed every plant we've owned in a very short period of time (except the bamboo, Colene-- that's still alive!), we thought for $10 we'd give the orchid a shot in hopes of breaking our streak. Here's the one we picked out:
Any orchid-rearing advice is VERY welcome! We need all the help we can get. :)
Luiz (remember him from SLU?) raised Orchids as a hobby before joining the Jesuits. His advice to me, put it in a humid place with plenty of sunlight, water it liberally once a week and when the blooms fall off trim that stem but keep watering it and next year it will bloom again.
I didn't have any where to put it that it would get enough light and that cat couldn't get to so I gave it to my mother in law who put it in her kitchen window. It has bloomed three years in a row now. When people come over she puts it in the living room on an end table (where she wants it but it doesn't get enough sunlight).
It is a very pretty flower you got there... good luck!
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