So, as previously mentioned below, I've been sick for over a week now. I decided last night that I was sick and tired of being, well, sick and tired.
We woke up this morning to BEAUTIFUL weather-- in the 70s and sunny! We promptly opened all the windows and turned on the attic fan. It's about time we get the yuck out of this house.
We woke up this morning to BEAUTIFUL weather-- in the 70s and sunny! We promptly opened all the windows and turned on the attic fan. It's about time we get the yuck out of this house.
I live for spring weather!!!! Too bad it's supposed to snow again this week...
So today, we:
- vacuumed and then swiffered everything, and even moved all the furniture to make sure we got everything
- deep cleaned the kitchen
- took down the Valentine's decorations (I know, a few weeks late) and put up our Easter/St. Pat's stuff (We decided since they're less than a week apart this year, we'd combine them . It's kind of funny to see Shamrocks and Easter eggs in close proximity...)
- re-organized the basement storage area
- let Bailey get a nice long romp in the yard (it's been too cold for that for months!), then gave him a bath and a haircut
- played hockey (that one was just J)
I think at some point I'll get black and white copies made of the color photos so that they all go together a bit more... not that I don't love the amazing 70s color in our parents wedding pictures... :)
Hope you all got to enjoy the beautiful day as well!! :)
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