So, I'm all about Christmas in July as I mentioned a few weeks ago. It's fun to listen to Christmas music, and even put up a tree for a day or two, all because the point is that it's funny because it's SIX MONTHS till Christmas.
Apparently Garden Ridge didn't get the memo.
I was there picking up something on Sunday, and here's what I walked in to:

I walked in the door, in my shorts and tank top, sweating from the heat, and STRAIGHT into winter-wonderland, complete with blow-up lawn snow globes featuring characters from Winnie the Pooh. Woah. Talk about an assault to the senses.
I had a conversation with J last week about how I was excited for fall and to put up our fall/Halloween decor, and we debated whether the beginning of September was too soon. We concluded that it was pushing it a bit, but acceptable. I fully expected to see the fall and Halloween displays up at Garden Ridge. Not only did they also have Christmas on display, it was front and center, and the Halloween stuff was buried off to the side.
I'm all about extending the Christmas season, but this is CRAZY!!
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