Monday, June 9, 2008

Congrats E and J!

Two weekends ago (yeah, I know... kinda late...) E and J tied the knot in New Orleans. That meant that not only did we get to be a part of the wonderful event, but that we also got to take a quick mini-vaca to NOLA, where neither of us had been before!

This is the only picture I got with both of them in it. What can I say... our camera is the equivalent of the Zach Morris cell phone... it's old and big and I hate using it. I'm relying on the facebook use of our cousins to get some good pics.
I did however manage to get a good picture of their cake...

The upside of the aforementioned huge-ass slow camera is that the screen on the back flips out, which makes for easy self-portraits. the girls

"...livin' on a prayer!"
Being in New Orleans also means good times...

Like eating in a restaurant that has a vault...
and of course Bourbon Street. :)

We even got to see Esteban again! (A's boyfriend; on the left)
Mom and Dad even came out to play!
This doesn't even begin to touch the fun of the weekend. I managed to miss: pictures of the bride and groom, the French Quarter, palm reading at 1:00 am, and drunken Bourbon Street, part deux. It was exactly what we needed! :) Now if only J was coming on my next adventure...